- 1950 Classes
- 1960 Classes
- 1970 Classes
- 1980 Classes
- 1990 Classes
- 2000 Classes
- 2010 Classes
- 2020 Classes
1950 Classes
1950 Classes
Class of '50Contact Information:-Paula Higginbotham
118 Mandarin Ave.
DeLand, FL 32720
386-736-3233Class of '51Contact Information:-Pat Sharon
1152 West Euclid Avenue
DeLand, Fl 32720
-Renee Haggadorn
386-775-2458Class of '52Contact Information:Class of '53No Current InformationClass of '54No Current InformationClass of '55Contact Information:-Beulah Chandler
210 S. Woodland Blvd.
DeLand, FL 32720
386-734-4228Class of ‘56Contact Information:-Ann Taylor Moore501 Beville RdDaytona Beach FL, 32119-3158386-937-0251Class of '57Contact Information:Class of '58Contact Information:Class of '59Contact Information:-Gerry Kelley Pascale
920 Hunters Creek Dr Apt 1303,
DeLand, Fl 32720
386-734-7454 Peterson
1960 Classes
1960 Classes
Class of '60Contact Information:Class of '61No Contact Information:Class of '62Contact Information:-Margie Shinkle Wood
4105 State Road 11
DeLand, FL 32724
(386) 736-0430 home
(386) 228-7638 cell
margiewood513@gmail.comClass of '63Contact Information:-Jo Ann Schrierer Roane717 NE 6th StreetGainesville, Fl 32601352-441-0362Class of '64Contact Information:*Website address:*Website is password protected. If you do not currently have access, send an email to Marlene Beaudin .-Jewel Smith Dickson
601 North Amelia Ave.
DeLand, Florida 32724
(386) 717-4344
-Larry Ritter
108 Mangrove Estates Cir
New Smyrna Beach, FL 33168
rxmusic46@hotmail.comClass of '65Contact Information:*Official Class Website:–Martha Holler
2121 Hontoon Rd.
DeLand, FL 32720
-Cathy Sanders
386-734-8779-Gary Breckenridge: gobreck@aol.comClass of '66Contact Information:-Chris Reynolds
748 Old Treeline Trail
DeLand, FL 32724
386-734-3991-Marlene Jackson
819 Oak Tree Terrace
DeLand, FL 32724
386-736-6816Class of '67Contact Information:-Dennis McComb386-736-3736386-748-7137Class of '68Contact Information:-Ken Shanley941-587-9927 (text or call)-Harland Merriam386-785-9224 (text or call)-Melissa Borghorst386-801-3523 (TEXT ONLY)Class of '69Contact Information:-Ann Sagraves
343 Raintree Circle
DeLand, FL 32724
386-337-1858 (cell) or 386-736-8513 (home)
1970 Classes
1970 Classes
Class of '70Contact Information:-Patricia “Pat” (Hennessey) McMahan2725 Concord Rd.Deland, Fl 32720386-837-9559Class of '71Contact Information:-Mark Rantham
-Ruth Swanto
736-3738Class of '72Contact Information:-Linda Shirley Shrevedhsclassof72 (Facebook)386-279-1459 (Text first please)Class of '73Contact Information:–Sandy Presley
386-985-0324386-717-1354Class of '74Contact Information:-Barb Valach Pridgen5277 English Dr.Lakeland, Fl 33812(863)521-4505-Cheryl LeVeille Youngman(386)295-3323Class of '75Contact Information:Class of 75 FaceBook
–Sonni (Fletcher) Stover
P.O. Box 1226
DeLand, FL 32721
(386) 801-7611
-Janet Osborne Dixon
jsdixon56@gmail.comClass of '76Contact Information:Class website: Sylvester Kemp
(352) 326-3522-Jane (Tribble) Dowdy
(386) 736-1717-Kerri (Murray) Thompson386-717-8703 - cellClass of '77Contact Information:-Jill (Hetrick) Woods
1681 Timber Edge Drive
DeLand, FL 32724
(386) 740-7162-Mary Ann PaulClass of '78Contact Information:-Jeanette Oberst*We have an e-mail address:*We have a FB page: Deland High School Class of 1978Class of '79Contact Information:–Kim Carey Booker
(386) 804-6956
1019 Town Center Dr.
Suite 201
Orange City, FL 32763-David Ott(615) 686-3808
1980 Classes
1980 Classes
Class of '80Contact Information:*If you're on Facebook, search for us under the group name - DeLand High School Class of 1980 ReunionClass of '81Contact Information:*Please visit us on the web at: www.DHS81.comand join our Facebook Group: DHS Class of 1981.-Lisa Hawkins McCrary404-863-7795Class of '82Contact Information:-Join us on our group Facebook page Deland High School 1982 and email your contact information to dhs82reunion@yahoo.comClass of '83Contact Information:-Beth Reddy386-801-7014 - Call or Text-Scott Browning386-320-1719 - Call or TextClass of '84Contact Information:-Leah (Orr) Dokey
(386)956-8872-Erin Flowers
(386)748-3777-Annette (Dean) Ailes
386-804-3377-Email your information or other classmates information to: bulldogs.1984@hotmail.com30th Reunion Celebration InformationClass of '85Contact Information:-Julie Evers Clements
407-417-7092-Karen Proctor Allebach
386-216-4060-Crystal Sylvester Meahl
386-479-5363-Laura Pippio Huff
386-218-8233*Our class email is:*Find us on Facebook: DeLand High Class of 1985Class of '86Contact Information:-Sunny Paige(813) 874-9967 (Dukes) Perry
907 E. Church St.
DeLand, FL 32724
(386) 736-7965 Home
(386) 734-7444 Work(386) 956-1640 CellClass of '87Contact Information:-Please log on to FB site "Class of 1987 Reunion Station" for updates, schedules at contact Becky (Thyhsen) Sampson or Kirsten (Hagstrom) Rodriguez for updates if no access to Facebook.386.259.0495Class of '88Contact Information:-Karen WeaverClass of '89Contact Information:-Sonja (Baldwin) Blazetic (Gardner) Smith (DiPersia) Colangelo Jones*We also have a Facebook page DeLand High School Class of ‘89
1990 Classes
1990 Classes
Class of '90Contact Information:-Glorymar Palou Robinson
-Monique Collier-Morris
*Class of 1990 website: Cheers to 30 Years! (opens June 1st)Class of '91Contact Information:*Facebook: DelandhighclassofninetyoneClass of '92Contact Information:-Charron (Rouse) Mundy
1240 Bay Club Circle
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 639-1571 home
(813) 679-0493 cell Rannno
386-736-9303Class of '93Contact Information:-Kirsten Wilgers2012 Chinaberry Ln.,Deland, FL 32720
386-747-2867-Kelly Grosse(386) 736-7052Class of '94Contact Information: of '95No Current InformationClass of '96Contact Information:-Angie Cook (Pearson)
(DHS Senior Class President of '96)Facebook Page:Class of '97Contact Information:-Elizabeth (Liz) Estes-GrantClass of '98Contact Information:-Andrea Smith:386-747-9188-Jeanine Tracy:407-592-7539-Sharvin WhittedClass of '99Contact Information:
2000 Classes
2000 Classes
Class of '00Contact Information: -
-Jennifer Johnson Dunn
510 West Garrison Ave
Deland Fl 32720Class of '01Contact Information:-Kendrick Thomas-David Wright
dm_wright@icloud.comClass of '02Contact Information:-Lindsey Hunter386-490-5461-Sam Sanchez850-339-2479Class of '03Contact Information:-Jamey Wyatt813-316-8567Class of '04Contact Information:-Jennifer Jacob386-747-7651*Visit us on -Class of '05Contact Information:-Lacey Logsdon703-945-0142-Kaley Iaconis Macomber(386) 561-1925-Samantha Dunman386-285-6112Facebook Reunion Group:Class of '06Contacts Information:-Bri (Altier) Ard, Erica (Kemp) Harris and Katie (Hall) HoehnTickets for events can be purchased at: Reunion Group:Class of '07Contact Information:-Robin (Perrick) King386-804-9168 (Cell Number)Facebook:Class of '08Contact Information:-Shanea' Ramsey
(386) 215-9285*Facebook Group name - DHS08AlumniClass of '09Contact Information: -
-Tara Domingus386-561-7149
2010 Classes
2010 Classes
Class of '10Contact Information:-Leah
386-216-5472,Class of '11Contact Information:-Katie
386-479-5241Class of '12Contact Information:-Joshua FerrariClass of 2012 Website: www.delandhigh2012.comClass of '13Contact Information:*Class of 2013 Website: *Class of 2013 Facebook *Page: of '14Contact Information:Class of '15Contact Informaiton:Megan JohnsonMorgan MurrayClass of '16No Current InformationClass of '17No Current Information
Class of '18No Current InformationClass of '19No Current Information
2020 Classes
2020 Classes
Class of '20No Current InformationClass of '21No Current InformationClass of '22No Current InformationClass of '23No Current Information