Cell Phone Usage
Cell Phones
The possession of wireless communication devices such as cellular phones, MP3 Players, iPods, video games, iPad, tablets etc. are NOT a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. However, having these devices on campus is a privilege. The following rules must be followed regarding the possession, use, and display of wireless communication devices:
- Students will be allowed to use wireless devices before school, between classes, during lunch and at the end of the day.
- Students must ensure that the telephone capabilities of their devices are turned off during the instructional day (i.e. ringer off, silent mode, etc.)
- Students shall avoid classroom disruptions by not displaying, using, or activating the data access portion of their wireless device during the instructional day unless instructed to do so by the teacher and/or authorized school personnel under the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) initiative. This includes during class, in the Media Center, restrooms, P.E. and any other instructional/structured activities (unless authorized by the teacher).
- Use of cell phones that disrupts or interferes with the safety of our students being transported by bus is also a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
- Use of cell phones to commit a crime is against the Code of Student Conduct and appropriate consequences will be handled accordingly.
- The school/district is not responsible if a student’s wireless communication or any electronic device is lost or stolen.
- Any student using a cell phone or any electronic device for malicious intent or to video acts violating the Code of Conduct will be disciplined.
It is our goal that every student has a right to learn in a safe and secure environment. It is essential that the school and the parents work together to assure that all students meet the high expectations of acceptable behavior and become successful contributors in our society.